what do you listen for when listening to music


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user 1447

AVForums Grandmaster
Jun 12, 2010
Reaction score
i read this in some random thread somewhere on the forum

and then i started enjoying the music and couldnt care bout sound stage imaging and stuff.

and that got me thinking about what people consider to be the music

i actually consider a lot of factors when i listen to the music, for example these would include (but not only be limited to) :

1) tonality
2) soundstaging
3) imaging
4) timbre
5) realism
6) detail

to me things like pace, rhythm and timing have more to do with the recording and even though they can be affected by the quality of the equipment this happens to a much lower extent than people IMAGINE it does

the separation of each instrument and vocal that convincing stereo imaging creates makes the music much closer to realistic than having a whole mush of sounds coming to you from one point and overlapping each other - to me i can actually hear more of the music if i can hear each instrument distinctly at a different spot rather than just overlaying each other ..... and this definitely enhances the MUSICALITY rather than detracting from it

i cannot say im truly listening to music if im listening to a poor mono radio - and headphones also dont do it for me in the same way as a well set up hi-fi system but obviously this depends on each persons own expectations from their own system but i truly feel that you are actually losing out if you only listen to one aspect of the music instead of trying to understand and encompass every aspect of it

and for gods sake music ISNT only tonality so you cannot separate all those other aspects because they are all part of listening to the music whether you like it or not ..... people really need to get to understand this 