here's my favorite recipe for a super breakfast:
into a blender throw;
2 raw eggs
a cup of raw or toasted oats or muesli
2 raw carrots
2 bananas
1 unpeeled pear or apple (remove the core)
1 cup of milk(skimmed or low fatmilk is acceptable)
flavourants:lime,berries,pineapples,mangoes etc the variation is entirely upto you
into a blender throw;
2 raw eggs
a cup of raw or toasted oats or muesli
2 raw carrots
2 bananas
1 unpeeled pear or apple (remove the core)
1 cup of milk(skimmed or low fatmilk is acceptable)
flavourants:lime,berries,pineapples,mangoes etc the variation is entirely upto you