I think general consensus is about a metre from the rear wall, but some speakers were designed to go into a corner or probably up against the wall. The speakers should ideally also be angled in towards the listener. You can of course test it. Move the speakers and have a listen, but remember to move it back before the wife gets home - unless they sound so good there, that you're willing to risk it. I'm pretty sure that [USER=746]@chrisc[/USER] (also in Cape Town) won't mind if you go have a listen to his system which he says has a very good soundstage.
I think general consensus is about a metre from the rear wall, but some speakers were designed to go into a corner or probably up against the wall. The speakers should ideally also be angled in towards the listener. You can of course test it. Move the speakers and have a listen, but remember to move it back before the wife gets home - unless they sound so good there, that you're willing to risk it.
I'm pretty sure that [USER=746]@chrisc[/USER] (also in Cape Town) won't mind if you go have a listen to his system which he says has a very good soundstage.