What is it about the great ones?


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AVForums Super Veteran
May 1, 2017
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Last night I was watching the YouTube documentary on Pink Floyd, which documents the remaster of the SACD to 5.1 (which someone posted in another thread) and my better half says ?what is it about Pink Floyd?? It being late we didn?t get into details.

Today we start discussing, what is about Ponk Floyd, and I ask ?what is it about any of the so called greats from that era? The Beatles, Fleetwood Mac, the eagles, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, credence Clearwater Revival, etc etc etc.?
what is it that makes them and the songs they made then great & still so good today?
Is it that they carried through their performances and songs & lyrics they carried they zeitgeist of the Times? Is that they represented a culture of the people? What is it? Thanks can?t put my finger on it...

What is that I can play a sing from Floyd & someone doesn?t get it yet another from Fleetwood and they get it? Whereas in both cases you ?get it, or feel it? more so than something coming out of 2019? And we can?t just say all the music that comes out today is crap and blah blah, because there is a lot of good decent recent music IMO.

So help me, help me explain what it is about Floyd? Or Fleetwood Mac, or any of those ?legends? that someone can listen to & just get it?
Is it the musicality? Lyrics? That the music transcends?
And yes while totally subjective what is it in general?
As some people never grew up listening to such music so it?s not memory (in some cases)

What is it?

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