So for a few weeks now, I've been toying with a amp build. After searching the internet for a while I came across this schematic of the DX Blame ST.
Now I'm no guru with amplifier designs, but after the comments by a few guys I decided to give it a go. On paper it seems pretty good, but then again, that's paper.
This is haw far I got
The wrong 5 watt resistors here.
Proper size 5 watter in place
Still a long way to go, the other board lay waiting. It's just as I get some time and the parts the build will go on. After that comes the chassis. I have no idea what I'm going to do there.
Now I'm no guru with amplifier designs, but after the comments by a few guys I decided to give it a go. On paper it seems pretty good, but then again, that's paper.
This is haw far I got
The wrong 5 watt resistors here.
Proper size 5 watter in place
Still a long way to go, the other board lay waiting. It's just as I get some time and the parts the build will go on. After that comes the chassis. I have no idea what I'm going to do there.