What to do? CEC69


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AVForums Veteran
May 10, 2015
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You people in the know,  help a chap out with some sage advice will you?

Bought this CEC thing with a defunct stylus some time ago and Supergrand (a most august gentleman of the first order) was kind enough to help me out a with a new one so all was well(ish). Or so I thought. Oiled stuff that looked liked it could do with some with some of Elna's finest and everything turned (at the right speed I might add) and stopped/moved as it should have.

Cleaned out anything that slithered, crawled or otherwise didn't pay rent in the inside, including the rubber thingamajig that turned the platter that Alternativeroute 66 said would be the bain of my existence, so thinking that this would be all that this post Hiroshima piece of engineering excellence would need to get me into hipster heaven,

I set forth to overcome my last hurdle, that is to procure some vinyl. That stuff is frigging expensive, even the local stuff their mother's wouldn't buy! Best I could find at a reasonable price was from a curio shop that was selling some as place mats and handbags. Upon analysis, the latter wasn't actually cheaper because it has punched holes in the sides to stitch the bags up so you only get about 3 good tracks on handbag vinyl so place mats it was. Bought a full set of 12 I did, just because we like catering too.

Now the problem starts; I cant put it loud enough to even drown out the neighbors soon to be deceased Jack Russel because the the left channel makes the most awful hum, getting worse the louder you play it, only the left, not the right. So right mono at full blast and all is well, except I'm a bit persnickety that way, things must be right.
Thought at first its the RCA cable but swapped them around at the back of the amp and all that happened is the hum moves to the other channel. So now I thought, something must be creating this racket and just to check I turned the platter by hand and lo and behold, everything's perfect, no hum!

Question is what causes this and why only on one channel? Is it the motor? Till I figure this out or someone can advise me on a solution, I have devised an interim work-a-round but with this too I need advice.

My wife can barely play a whole LP without her starting to whine about wrist cramps and she seems to have the speed almost perfect except for an irritating speeding up from about 345deg to about 10deg as she turns it by hand. Are there any exercises that you can recommend she do to get rid of her inconsistent rotational speed or does she just need more practice?