Something I've noticed on this forum is how rigid many forumites appear to be about "staying on topic".
To me the topic of the forum is the jumping off point of the discussion. Say for instance the topic is "What's the in room performance of your subwoofer vs the manufacturer spec?". If, along the course of the discussion, it transpires that two members own the same sub with very different results and they begin to discuss that particular sub amongst themselves, what's wrong with that? Why should someone come in and say "hey, stick to topic!"
To me, a thread should grow organically, as with any converstaion. It's what makes for an interesting, vibrant and long lived thread that results in the topic being thoroughly explored. Obviously you can't start talking about garedning tips or something completely unrelated but as long as the segue is there, why not follow it?
To me the topic of the forum is the jumping off point of the discussion. Say for instance the topic is "What's the in room performance of your subwoofer vs the manufacturer spec?". If, along the course of the discussion, it transpires that two members own the same sub with very different results and they begin to discuss that particular sub amongst themselves, what's wrong with that? Why should someone come in and say "hey, stick to topic!"
To me, a thread should grow organically, as with any converstaion. It's what makes for an interesting, vibrant and long lived thread that results in the topic being thoroughly explored. Obviously you can't start talking about garedning tips or something completely unrelated but as long as the segue is there, why not follow it?