"Whats your best price" Buyers


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AVForums Grandmaster
Jul 19, 2010
Reaction score
Western Cape
Man it grates me when buyers play the "Whats your best price" game especially after needling you for information and even making shipping arrangements.

What kind of question is that - The asking price is MY best price - Duh!! :eek:
Its like asking how long is a piece of string  ::)


Asking "Whats your best price" is just fishing for a bargain , man up and make an offer if you want.
Making an offer and giving your reasons if necessary is par for the course.
Or just make an offer , its a free world but don't try mind games with me!!
There's a satisfaction in negotiating a successful deal , both parties have agreed to a mutually beneficial arrangement.
A buyer asking "Whats your best price" just means the buyer is trying to shaft the seller.
It would appear the buyer is asking : How desperate are you? Then once I know that I can exploit it.
If the buyer is having a hard month financially - fairdeal , let me know that , it feels good to help out a fellow human if I can.

But I know lack of funds is more often than not , not the reason - I once had a guy aggressively try and get my price down on a R450 cooking pot that I had got as a gift - I held firm becuase it was a nice pot and a very good price , the guy rocks up to pick it up in a brand spanking new Audi TT - WTF!!

I have had idiots asking for my best price and then when I give them my best price in good faith they immediately make a lower counter offer.

I honestly shouldn't let this stuff make me cross , but it does push my angry buttons.
What you chaps think about this?
Am I over reacting , is this just one of the games we have to put up with when selling something?
You guys have any techniques for dealing with this bollocks!
