A friend of mine posted this on FB about buying a car for his wife - thought it worth a share (no affilliation):
This is an unashamed endorsement of a second hand car dealer called Anglo Cars in Benoni. It?s obvious that no one in their right mind would buy a second hand car without a written guarantee, much less a second hand car that had been taken off the market and a car whose electronics and construction were completely different from the mainstream and to top it all French. The car in question is the Peugeot 1007 ? first announced as the Peugeot One 007 until the Bond camp complained ? then it became the Peugeot Ten 07 ? it was the car to have but far too expensive ? remote electronic sliding doors, on board computer, manual or automatic drive (tiptronic) at the touch of a switch and everything else controllable from the steering column. Secret hideaways in the floor, nine airbags and more. The only negative being that the boot did not open with the remote. Over three years it dropped from being the Bond car to the car suitable for the disabled and eventually discontinued. So it makes sense that I would think it was a great buy. We needed a car which Annie could drive with no stress. The most exhausting action required was putting on the safety belt.
No dealer would give us a guarantee but Anglo Cars did run a computer check on the car and provide the 100,000 service at no charge. They did give us a verbal guarantee. No problem. It got Annie mobile again until 5 days after the verbal guarantee the car stopped. Dead ? tried everything ? rebooted the car ? yes ? you have a flip switch that reboots the car. No luck. Called Anglo ? they sent a tow truck from Benoni to North Riding. Booked the car in at a Peugeot dealer the next day when we discovered that the Lammermoor rats had bit a chunk of wiring. Fixed wiring at their expense. "No charge for the Tow ? all in the name of good service ? please enjoy your car." I was blown over ? so yes this is an endorsement for Anglo Cars Benoni ? Joey or Trevor.