Wow what a week


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AVForums Veteran
AV Forums Supporter
Feb 9, 2007
Reaction score
Wow what a week so far. Got a Sms on Monday informing me that I?ve won a substantial amount of money in the Eu lottery. So I contacted the person (claims agent) Dr Jack Morgan, a real nice guy very friendly and helpful. He confirmed that I have indeed won this and it will take +- 2 weeks for the payment, as it is very substantial amount.

On Tuesday  Dr Morgan phoned me and said if I were willing to pay for the admin and clearing, the transaction will be fast trekked and I will get the my $$$$$$ ha ha euros actually in 96 hours. So I quickly paid him into their trust account. What's 10k if you look at the big picture?

So on Thursday I went into my boss's office and told him exactly what I think of him, his company and his b@ch of a wife and bratty kids, and just where to stick his job. He said ? Chris I sorry you feel this way after 13 years??? and just asked me to sign a form and leave immediately.

Now I ?m sitting here at home with a glass of JW Blue waiting for my cash. You?ll probably not hear a lot from me on the forum as I?m planning an extensive holiday and cruse. Gave my car to my brother as I?m planning an upgrade.

As for my Av stuff will go to someone in need. Since I don?t have the highest-end stuff, no on here will probably want it anyway.

Oh before I forget Dr Morgan said that if I give the e-mail addresses of friends and family they could stand a chance of a secondary prize. So to thank the forum and members I?ve forwarded all the e-mail addresses on here to him. May be one of you can get as lucky as I did.
