Yamaha AV Receiver repair advice


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AVForums Super Veteran
Mar 11, 2011
Reaction score
Good evening guys.
I need some advice on repairs that needs to be done on a Yamaha RXV 585
Center channel and subwoofer outs not working. I bought this used amp about 3 months ago and everything was working fine. I noticed a slight distortion from the center speaker while watching a movie but it was still working then the next time I switched on the amp to watch a movie there was not sound from the center and subwoofer.
As no one wants to do work on Yamaha here in Kimberley because Yamaha won't supply then with spare parts I have to send it out of Kimberley for repairs. I'm not sure if I should send it to Yamaha or could I send it to any well known repairer. In another city. Can anyone recommend a well-known repairer?
Thank you in advance
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