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  1. 1

    Centurion D5 battery problem.

    New motor then ouch. I will put in my spare one and test. I just wish I could trouble shoot the charge unit but it has weird stuff in it.
  2. 1

    Centurion D5 battery problem.

    Will install the spare one and see what it does. Will take in the hopefully faulty one and hear what they say. I once had a faulty one open to see if I can visually see a problem but could not. Difficult to troubleshoot and some components I don't think can be bought over the counter from a...
  3. 1

    Centurion D5 battery problem.

    Can Centurion fix it instead of saying "please buy a new one"
  4. 1

    Centurion D5 battery problem.

    I have a spare one in storage that I can install. Wonder if I can test individual components and just replace as I don't want to buy a new one again. Load shedding killed them up to a point where I am now on my 3rd one and they cost in the region of R700.
  5. 1

    Centurion D5 battery problem.

    Hi all I need advice on something please. Gate motor beeped indicating no charge or low battery on Friday 2025/03/07. It is those with the LCD screen. I checked and battery low and then made sure charger is working. I then went to Stafix and bought a new battery as the one in use was exactly 2...
  6. 1

    Purchasing a house with partner

    If she is up to her eyeballs in debt already I see a bunch of red flags for the future. How did she obtain money then to assist you with a deposit. Or am I misunderstanding this. You give full deposit and then the 50:50 kicks in with the remaining portion?
  7. 1

    Starting Headphone Journey

    @AlienLlama This offer I will take up if I were you. This will prevent disappointment. Demo for the win.
  8. 1

    Repairer of older Rotel equipment in the Midrand/Centurion area

    I watched a video the other night of AH-Fix-it. He troubleshooted a amplifier. Forgot about a dirty pot and didn't clean it. Removed a board I think and some capacitors trying to solve the noisy issue only to remember it is most probably the dirty pot causing the issue.
  9. 1

    Repairer of older Rotel equipment in the Midrand/Centurion area

    Bought in USA? Is the voltage correct as I think they run 110V
  10. 1

    Car Battery Disconnection

    I actually already have one that I am using to keep my UPS battery charged for loadshedding times. My father also has one but it is starting to wear the battery clamps when he removes them from the battery every time. So he wants to just connect and forget without damage to the car's computer...
  11. 1

    Car Battery Disconnection

    Hi FD Just a question. Which smart charger did you use? Benton agents do not reply to my email. Want to know if the Benton can be put on the car while both terminals are connected to the computer
  12. 1

    Imaging and unrealistic expectations

    I think I must rephrase my first initial post when I said "I don't believe in imaging when it comes to audio systems.". I want to enjoy the music for what it is when it was created by the artist. If funds would allow, I would possibly have been more concerned looking for the perfect image and...
  13. 1

    Imaging and unrealistic expectations

    With "we" I was referring to the listener on the audio system. Thanks guys I understand it better now. As mentioned in my original post. I found it that most recordings do not deliver good results because of poor recording or poor mixing. But then you get recordings that you can hear effort was...
  14. 1

    Imaging and unrealistic expectations

    Why should we then bother with imaging? Especially if it was artificially created/mixed by the engineers? Help me understand. Live/acoustic recordings I noticed tend to give the best real live experience. Pink Floyd put in some real effort in for example the Pulse concert.
  15. 1

    Imaging and unrealistic expectations

    I am wondering now if I did not experience "imaging" without knowing it.