I've got a fairly rare part to possibly replace.
The emitter resistor has 3 pins. It tests okey, but both transistors were shot. one was severely burned.
The one installed still tests fine, but my concern is maybe there might be damage.
When the output transistor fail, it puts this resistor under tremendous strain. also vice versa. if this resistor fails, the output transistors always fail.
For peace of mind, I want to replace this part that is hen's teeth. So I came up with this.
Any reason why this should not work?
It is 2 x 0.22 ohm 5 watt resistors in series with a center tap.
The black on the original part is just the npn transistor's guts that spilled out... enthusiastically :-D
The emitter resistor has 3 pins. It tests okey, but both transistors were shot. one was severely burned.
The one installed still tests fine, but my concern is maybe there might be damage.
When the output transistor fail, it puts this resistor under tremendous strain. also vice versa. if this resistor fails, the output transistors always fail.
For peace of mind, I want to replace this part that is hen's teeth. So I came up with this.
Any reason why this should not work?
It is 2 x 0.22 ohm 5 watt resistors in series with a center tap.
The black on the original part is just the npn transistor's guts that spilled out... enthusiastically :-D