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  1. marcochezzi


    With this problem being possibly resolved, this might seem useless advice, but it can happen that if these units go unused for very long periods of time, the rubber belt from the liner tracking motor that drives the worm gear assembly deforms, becomes ?out of round?, resulting in a bump /thump...
  2. marcochezzi

    Tape deck recommendations

    You can still buy new, but be prepared to spend plenty $$$
  3. marcochezzi

    NAGRA Tape Recorders

    Dewald what is the function of the little gearset just in front of each head on the mono machine, is it to do with azimuth adjustment?? Damn nice pieces of engineering those...
  4. marcochezzi

    Tape deck recommendations

    Reel to reel, I think it?s an Akai 1710 or it?s predecessor..
  5. marcochezzi

    Toy or Tool? Audio Precision Analyser

    Very very nice piece of kit, well done!
  6. marcochezzi

    Noticing vs Hearing

    Wow, so here I am musing away the early hours of the morning with my Max Verstaffie close to my side clearly dreaming of slow cats, and I read about point 4, which makes me play Roger Waters lockdown session - The Gunners dream - YouTube on the telly? Beautiful, absolutely beautiful?..
  7. marcochezzi

    Black Friday Blues - please don't get caught

    Purchased an aircon for my home office exactly 2 years back for R13 999.00 from a reputable online supplier, not Black Friday, not special pricing, just listed pricing? Turns out I need another one, and as luck has it they are advertising black Friday specials, so I take a look? Exact same...
  8. marcochezzi

    Which amplifier will you keep for life????

    I?ll keep my Tandberg TPA4026, not only because it sounds great but because it is beautiful.. I?ll also keep my SAE2500, because something that can throw as bright a plasma arc as she can when she shorts, deserves to be immortalised?..
  9. marcochezzi

    NAGRA Tape Recorders

    Thank you for your post Charles, indeed they are beautiful machines and the level of precise engineering a marvel to look at. I cannot add to your requirements but enjoy the process of restoration and please post pictures. If you need to make a few tapes just for testing the playback you are...
  10. marcochezzi

    Vintage ride

    So would you believe it, bumped into this beauty when out for lunch yesterday, what can I say, beautiful...
  11. marcochezzi

    Vintage ride

    Simply stunning.. I on the other hand used my mothers baby sh.t brown chevair on that memorable day back in ?83..
  12. marcochezzi

    Resistor / Capacitor

    Thanks Hein Looking at that tweeter is that how you had received the unit because the cap is not being used in series with the speaker feed, which means either somewhere in its life it was bypassed by connecting the black cable directly to the tweeter (not good idea) and simply left hanging...
  13. marcochezzi

    Resistor / Capacitor

    That looks really nice.. The cap without doubt is a high pass filter, interestingly any speaker will act as a microphone when spoken into, not enormously efficient but it works, its how the engineers get that feedback that would be cool to see.. Normally kit of that vintage have the schematics...
  14. marcochezzi

    Resistor / Capacitor

    If that is in series with the tweeter cable then in all probability all it is is a low value 33 microfarad 12 volt bipolar capacitor used as a cheap crossover, allowing high frequency signal through to the tweeter. Not at all uncommon at that level of vintage kit (no disrespect meant) If your...
  15. marcochezzi

    Audiophiles are full of crap

    This is fact and does work, I don?t use gold or silver leaf, I use R10.00 notes. They are not on the wall permanently but rather when my desire to waste money in this daft game surfaces from a dark slumber every so often.. I stick them in well worked out areas in my lounge, then open a bottle...
  16. marcochezzi

    Beocord 2400

    Andrew she is pretty.. Bring her to me sometime, I?m happy to have a look at her with you, no promises, maybe we find something.. Please pm me if you are keen, but bring along your own tape as I do not have anything that will fit that unit, mine are all the bigger reels.. Cheers - Marco
  17. marcochezzi

    How did you start your "Hi-Fi" Journey?

    As we did back in the day, your neighbours kids were your mates for life, at least it seemed that way back then.. For years as a young snotkop I lived across the road from an unknown man, living in a secret house.. He was very private, remained to himself, and life just went on, slowly as it...
  18. marcochezzi

    Akai 1720L

    eish She is an old lady, that one.. If for vanity sake then yes drop some dime on that, but not a lot... I would not top R200 - R400 on that unit.. If you want it for proper listening, bear in mind they have a poor top end frequency response and a low signal to noise ratio.. If the above is...