Noticing vs Hearing


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AVForums Veteran
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Jun 24, 2012
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Hi Folks,

Would you say there?s a difference in noticing something in a recording played on better equipment than hearing it.

What I?m getting at is how reviewers rave when they hear something that they claim they?ve never heard before. Most common examples are Michael Jackson clicking his fingers in Billie Jean or the breaking glass in Private Investigations. Except, last night I was at a quiz night and the only speaker playing music was one of those DJ on the pole single jobbies with the usual distortion etc but they played Billie Jean and I heard the finger clicks. Also, I hear the broken glass in PI on almost every device I?ve heard it on. So what?s with these reviewers? Does a good system get you to notice it and then you hear it on any equipment or are they BS artists who pretend you don?t hear it on the cheap and nasty stuff?

What do you think? Also, any other examples of the clich? details you ?only? hear with Conrad and Mark and Linn?