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  1. N

    Faulty Yamaha Amp, advise needed

    Hi Everyone My Yamaha RV-Recever RX-V487 has stopped producing sound. It comes on, changes mode, and the video will play from my Blu-ray player, but try as I may no sound. Did eskom finally get the best of it? Is it something that can be repaired? Or is it over? I was wondering if anybody had...
  2. N

    Which Blu- Ray player?

    To think that even buying a bluray player can be a minefield...
  3. N

    Which Blu- Ray player?

    Hello Do you think there is much difference between Blu-ray players in terms of sound and picture quality? Or are the differences more in terms of functionality and name badge?
  4. N

    Matching front and center speakers

    Its so important to have a well thought out plan before you go and buy speakers. I am buying them slowly, and building up the collection as i go. I just have to decide which path i need to follow, so ultimately everything will match up!
  5. N

    Matching front and center speakers

    Thanks for that... It sounds obvious now, but i never thought about how the same sound would sound accross differrent speakers. Good Point.
  6. N

    Matching front and center speakers

    Hello I have been told that one should do their best to match the front and center speaker. Do they have to be the same make? Is this a rule? Is this just a guide? What are the things that I should be watching out for? Thanks for the help.
  7. N

    Budget AV Receiver Help Required

    I recently bought my AV reciever from and they where very good.
  8. N

    Monitor Audio or Paradigm or B&W

    That is very true
  9. N

    Monitor Audio or Paradigm or B&W

    Thanks guys... Its so interesting hearing from other people. In many ways its a confort, but in other ways it just gives you more to think about. Audio Bug, The shop you mentioned are the gents that strongly suggest the paradigm. I think later this festive season i am going to find myself in...
  10. N

    Monitor Audio or Paradigm or B&W

    Hello I have a Yamaha RX-V 467 and a Yamaha YST-SW012. I bought an old set of second hand Tannoy MX 2 speakers so I wouldn?t simply be looking at 2 beautiful black boxes in my lounge. The time is now coming to upgrade my ?sound stage?. The gents at our local sound emporium will basically only...