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  1. Drukkie

    Microserver PSU shot - where to fix ?

    Sorry not esquire or rectron have stock :( told me to phone Hp hehe can't you rebuild this into a micro server tower? I'm sure it will fit!
  2. Drukkie

    Microserver PSU shot - where to fix ?

    PM me the model and I can order for you from rectron....if they have... cheers!
  3. Drukkie

    Wantitall warning !

    Most ebay or amazon stuff will not ship to I found this site.... Shit it here and they will forward. Label as present and you will not be charged import duties... it's a pleasure!
  4. Drukkie

    DSTV is a joke

    R8500 a year.... DSTV...I put it to you! does it make sense?????
  5. Drukkie

    Vinyl sleeves?

    So I store mine with all three open ends pointing the same way...plastic cover....vinyl cover....sleeve... But alas...this does not work for some :(
  6. Drukkie

    Vinyl sleeves?

    LOL...yeah it does!! Eish...but I'm a bit OCD when it comes to that....just looking at that gives me heart palpitations haahahahahaha
  7. Drukkie

    I am now shocked.

    Got Cranberries yesterday for 1k....a bit much but I cannot find it anywhere... spoilt myself....and soiled myself
  8. Drukkie

    Vinyl sleeves?

    Just wondering.... The sleeves...why does it only fit in one way? sometime it fits the other way so you can easily remove the LP without taking out the sleeve... I like to have easy and quick access.... what is best practice?
  9. Drukkie

    Using LVM with software RAID5 - good or bad idea?

    Software RAID is BAD>... Very slow..... Plus if the lights trip you will have to rebuild.....every the looks of it you are building a few terras.... that will take ages to rebuild.... not recommended :) I use dropbox for the docs etc....<50GB and my buddies as my RAID drive :)...
  10. Drukkie

    Digital shes not so good

    I can always post some R300 hifi jobbies :)
  11. Drukkie

    Oh, FFS... How difficult can a network be?!?!?

    Also when sharing a drive give access to "guest" on both tabs....the sharing and security tabs.... this will allow for passwordless environment..... just make sure your network is secure :)
  12. Drukkie

    DIY Audio Showcase 2014 Gauteng

    I'll bring my Homemade JBL sub running of a tv's awesome hahahaha
  13. Drukkie

    Using Samsung TV as monitor via Ethernet

    in short will need to coneect a computer and then use teamviewer or something similiar...
  14. Drukkie

    We'll NEVER get this

    Well I doubt that anyone will see that soon....your Hard drive can't even write that fast.... but we are getting there!
  15. Drukkie

    Laptop HDD cloning

    I had the same issue with my 256 SSD....just did a BIOS update an viola....working like a charm....
  16. Drukkie

    Speculating with vinyl

    Coming from the biggest pirate in SA.... I'm now paying for music again...and loving it :) Vinyl FTW...
  17. Drukkie

    TT Paraphernalia

  18. Drukkie

    Best graphics card for BF4

    I've Got 8GB....sure it's enough... BF3 never went over usage... mmmmm i see esquire has a special on tomorrow.... holding thumbs!
  19. Drukkie

    Best graphics card for BF4

    Yeah I was a big console but you just don't get the same gaming experience.... for one you had to pay monthly fees...R50 or so.... There are no local servers and if you made one it was very limited/ have to have a 4MB line to host a local game and when that guy leaves...
  20. Drukkie

    Best graphics card for BF4

    Hi All... I have an ATI HD6870 currently....played BF4 and it's a bit laggy.... Wanted to know if it would be worthwhile to buy a second 6870 and use crossfire.... or just bite the bullet and get a new card? thanks!