Using LVM with software RAID5 - good or bad idea?


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AVForums Super Veteran
May 25, 2010
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South Africa
I'm going to rebuild my media server this weekend using a series of 3TB drives.  I've decided I'll be using mdadm to create a RAID5 array and was wondering whether there are any advantages or disadvantages to throwing LVM in the mix as well?  I know that pooling individual drives/ partitions in a non-RAID config using LVM is a recipe for disaster unless you don't mind losing everything in the event of a drive crash and subsequently having to spend hours restoring a backup.  From what I've read using a RAID config in conjunction with LVM provides the same redundancy as RAID would ordinarily?  Whilst LVM's been around a long time and proven to be robust my gut says it's likely o be a world of pain if things go wrong and best avoided when you're talking terabytes of data.
