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  1. Mike B

    B&W 684 s1 upgrade.

    ....and you preferred the CM5....and we traded in CM7 on Vandersteen 1s????? Ok......doesn't make sense to me but ok.
  2. Mike B

    B&W 684 s1 upgrade.

    Where did you hear them Dean?
  3. Mike B

    B&W 684 s1 upgrade.

    Dean. Please come listen to a properly set up pair Vandy's. They are way better than most people realise.
  4. Mike B

    B&W 684 s1 upgrade.

    It's not about the review, it is about the company kept. I did not say say the B&W was not a good loudspeaker. What I did say is that the Vandy 2 is in a whole 'nother league.....Apogee, Quad '63, Magnepan 3.6, Acoustat. When someone like John Atkinson starts to use this level of loudspeaker in...
  5. Mike B

    B&W 684 s1 upgrade.

    Dean.....From Stereophile in the '89 by John Atkinson referring to a much earlier Vandy 2:- "In fact, the Vandersteen 2C will give the Quad ESL-63 one hell of a good run for its money in terms of resolution and transparency." "How does it compare with other speakers? Well, I recommend audition...
  6. Mike B

    B&W 684 s1 upgrade.

    Dean....684 vs Vandersteen 2 - side by side I will put my money where my mouth is.....if the 684 beats the Vandy to your ears the Vandy is yours.
  7. Mike B

    B&W 684 s1 upgrade.

    The Vandersteen is a vastly superior loudspeaker to the B&W 684. We have upgraded many a customer from B&W 684 to both Vandersteen 1Ci and 2Ce Sig MkII.  We have even traded in a pairs B&W CM7 on Vandersteen 1Ci.
  8. Mike B

    Nuforce power amps

    I heard them only once....thankfully
  9. Mike B

    The Sound on Music on; absolutely correct.
  10. Mike B

    The Sound on Music

    Rodney you should have visited my house in the early 70s. Our vintage hi if burped out the most appalling mess. No idea who the engineers were, what the studio was like but the recording artists I remember well (Beetles, Rolling Stones....). If what I heard was what they intended.....eish...
  11. Mike B

    The Sound on Music

    Colonel 66 - the entire rear "wall" folds away and opens out onto a pool area and the loudspeakers are on castors, and roll forward. This for the serious listening....but for background music and parties the other comment would apply (but not at low volumes)....which is really what background...
  12. Mike B

    The Sound on Music

    TimbaLand - I agree but I have been to a lot of concerts where the sound was shocking. Jethro Tull in Durban (oh my word was that bad) and some wonderful too. To be fair the only real way to judge us as Harry Pearson said..."unamplified music in real space"....otherwise it could be the...
  13. Mike B

    The Sound on Music

    Colonel 66 - I happen to have heard the system in your photo and the sound is sublimely good. Home Audition? Whatever you want to hear that we sell is available for home audition (within reason). Almost all our sales are money back or home audition before you buy. You want to put our stuff...
  14. Mike B

    The Sound on Music

    Atjan....yes absolutely regarding systems sounding ordinary. Are we as an industry doing something wrong that people with a genuine interest in better quality sound equipment often have less than better sound? I think too much importance is placed on reviews and not enough on first hand auditioning.
  15. Mike B

    The Sound on Music

    Guys I am sorry for not having being clear. I'll try once more and then enough is enough. We've all heard differences when moving equipment around a room. We've all heard differences changing CD players We've all been moved hearing lovely music badly recorded or reproduced We've all heard great...
  16. Mike B

    The Sound on Music

    Rodney I think you missed the point almost entirely. It has nothing to do with cheap vs expensive. It has everything to do with great sound vs not so great sound. There is a vast difference between different taste which I respect and just plain and simple dreadful sound by any yardstick. One...
  17. Mike B

    The Sound on Music

    DeonC one of the worst systems I had the displeasure of hearing was a R2million system sounding so full and loose in the bass that whatever midrange was struggling to be heard had no chance. Of course I didn't hurt the poor guys feelings by expressing my honesty......other than asking why the...
  18. Mike B

    The Sound on Music

    Naughty What I am talking about is when the hi fi plays such that the music stirs you emotionally. That is after all what music is appealing to.....your emotions. The first time I saw an original Monet painting at the Tate Modern Gallery in London I was moved emotionally. CD tends to be two...
  19. Mike B

    Martin Logan!

    I have a pair of CLSII - great for background music....not much more than that.
  20. Mike B

    Ruark Cruassader II

    Lovely loudspeaker. Great then and great now.