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  1. Mike B

    The first what?

    If the subject is about power vs quality I can only agree. Almost every recently built "budget" (say about R20k and below) integrated amplifier that I have come across (and there are many) built in the last fifteen years or so sounds nothing short of dreadful. (The same applies to loudspeakers...
  2. Mike B

    Marantz 1030

    Just buy it. Find some sensitive loudspeakers and you are onto something quite special. If you change your mind I'll take it off your hands.
  3. Mike B

    So was it all Hype - British HiFi Circa 1980 to 2000

    The Linn LP12 "is the only top flight turntable" and "the front end is the most important piece" are two 1970s/80s lies perpetrated by Tiefenbrun and peddled as fact by most of the the British audio press. There were many great turntables of which the Logic dm101 is an example. Some of the...
  4. Mike B

    Dahlquist lovers (and others) may like...

    Hi Guillaume - he leant from one of the best....Jon Dahlquist who was no fool. He was involved in the first lunar landing in some capacity as a computer software designer.
  5. Mike B

    what do you listen for when listening to music

    It's when I stop listening to the sounds a system makes and start listening to the music. I know it's good when I stop being analytical and start becoming immersed. How many times did you go to a concert and analyse the sound? If you're doing this then I'd say the music is missing......or you're...
  6. Mike B

    Dahlquist lovers (and others) may like...

    I remember listening to the Daan Jakob's "Dahlquist " and being envious. I just couldn't afford them!
  7. Mike B

    Dahlquist lovers (and others) may like...

    A truly remarkable loudspeaker!
  8. Mike B

    Anthem 225 Integrated Amp

    Hard sounding, two dimensional and lifeless. It does ok it reproducing sounds......but music? Absolutely not!
  9. Mike B

    cable thread

    I sat in the reception of The Listening Room shop whilst a customer and employee swapped interconnects in the room next door. Fairly expensive cables in a very revealing system. I didn't know which cable was "in play" but I did know which one I preferred. The two guys swapped randomly. I...
  10. Mike B

    Preamp Shootout results

    I would like to get my hands on a Dulcet.....simplicity answers many questions.
  11. Mike B

    Preamp Shootout results

    It really doesn't matter what distortions you suspect exist in the Steelhead, it still sounds stunning compared to all the solid state phonostages that I have heard. Bob Ludwig of Gateway Mastering Studios has a Steelhead......says a lot about this piece. He is probably up their with the world's...
  12. Mike B

    Preamp Shootout results

    I am biased - already said it, but the Steelhead is one of those few products that is so good it simply allows the music to open up and sparkle. I bought a really expensive solid state preamp which Stereophile named as one of their "best ever", "best in the world", Class A+ etc. phonostages. The...
  13. Mike B

    Need some Advice

    Keep the amp and look elsewhere for upgrades.
  14. Mike B

    First ever 2 Ohm Amp

    James Bongiorno's GAS Ampzilla must have been around one of the first amplifiers to drive very low impedance loads. Not sure how close to being the first it was?
  15. Mike B

    Anthem 225 Integrated Amp

    I don't like all!
  16. Mike B

    Preamp Shootout results

    I had a Halcro dm10 and the Manley Steelhead phono was clearly superior to that of the Halcro. Sold the Halcro and the buyer heard the exact same and he subsequently bought a Steelhead. ....and yes I import them Manley stuff so I am biased......but my ears are not.
  17. Mike B

    Custom fees, import duties etc

    It varies, but around 7 - 10% depending on what it is plus Vat at 14%.
  18. Mike B

    Countrywide Tour

    Just asking (from The Listening Room) whether there would be any interest in a roadshow? Given the prevalence of internet based outlets where equipment is purchased hearing unheard would it not be of benefit to bring the equipment to the public? Feedback would be appreciated.