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    Vinyl Wrap For Speaker Boxes?

    Not really an option as a already played with the idea. The vinyl shows everything and I mean everything, to the smallest dust partical. Your surface basically needs to be the same as a car body..
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    Android TV boxes

    Perfect.. Thank you 8
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    Android TV boxes

    Apologies if I am hijacking the thread but on the same topic any preference or advice between the mi box and myciga TV box
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    SAA and trophy hunting

    Unfortunately this is just the new flavour for the month until Bruce Jenner cuts of his other testicle. Nobody really cares and I think trophy hunting will never be banned as for obvious reasons mention in previous posts. My 2c
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    Wanted...mentor in diy amps.

    Hope this is posted in the right section... It's a little obsessive dream of mine to built my own ic amp, but my lack of knowledge is preventing  me from going ahead.  Hours of Google time and research only made me realise one thing, the more I read the more I realise how little I know. My...
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    Another diy amp and noob thread

    Yes talking about the 68 watt rms stereo amp. Thanks for the feedback. Will order the kit and hope I don't blow the house up. Is there any forum members in the Durban area that will be willing to help if I get stuck?
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    Another diy amp and noob thread

    Thanks JimGore for the quick response. Would appreciate any other words of wisdom regarding this topic from forum members
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    Another diy amp and noob thread

    I am very new and very green in the diy audio. Have done a couple of two way speakers but nothing high end. I really want to try my hands on a diy chip amp kit. Found the lm3886 clone kit at RSE. My question is will the time and money spend bring a smile to my face once I listen to it or is...
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    My taste of DIY speakers

    Regarding the xo, I am still  searching for some good reading material that explains the basics
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    My taste of DIY speakers

    Thanks again guys. I have absolute no knowledge of  XO  XO DESIGN Regarding the black screws I have been around the block looking for some,BMG,Action bolt,bolt and nut but no joy. galvanise or stainless was my options. Whole built whent flawless untill last night.  Knew it was to good to be...
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    Best way to cut a 10-15 x 30mm slit into a 4x4 electrical faceplate?

    Just did a similar thing. Dremel worked great
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    Noob question.

    Finally Something I understood. Thanks a mil. Thanks also for all the replies from everyone. Truly a great Forum.
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    Noob question.

    Have read or shall I say, tried to read 'speakerbuild cookbook' Written by an engineer and it was just way over my head and to complicated. I am trying to source 'speakerbuild 201' or find something that starts at the beginning with good explanation of the basics.
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    Noob question.

    I am always looking for good articles or write ups on the net. Something that is Aimed at the beginner. If you can point me in the direction of something that is worth reading, will appreciate It.
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    Noob question.

    Thanks for the replies.  Questions is only for my own knowledge base. Need to Understand what the function of some element are and how it effect the sound If changed in anyway. Like you said. Welcome to the slippery slide of addiction.  Mind is like a sponge Now, need to know more all the time.
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    Noob question.

    Do you fill/stuff a ported box? and if yes why. Is it not the objective to keep the passage  between port and driver clear for more effective Movement of air. Need some explication as it doesn't make sense to me Also can somebody clarify, longer and bigger port gives you more bass or is it the...
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    My taste of DIY speakers

    Thanks all for the positive comments. Gives me the go to start building something with decent driver I know can wait... Yes they are. Think I got the last 4 in the country :D Thanks and yes the cut out was my biggest concern: wanted small tolerances. I couldn't find black screw.....unless I...
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    My taste of DIY speakers

    Formica - royal mohogany - some off cuts i got for free. Did'nt wanted to spray them as I sprayed some mdf before and know what finish I can get. Was looking for other finishing option.
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    My taste of DIY speakers

    I will clean them up tomorrow and try and take a decent photo