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  1. zer0


    Question for those who've had it or who may have an answer. How long after contact did you show symptoms, and more importantly, how long after first symptoms before you were really ill? I've had contact with someone 8 days ago and now I'm (perhaps overly) worried about every ache and pain. The...
  2. zer0


    This is so true. Family, friends and acquaintances and no longer just figures on the net and in the news :'(
  3. zer0

    Guillaume Lemaire

    Very sad news. Great guy and always willing to help. RIP
  4. zer0

    Joke for the day

  5. zer0

    Joke for the day

  6. zer0

    Oxygen Concentrators

    It looks like Redmark has stock of some models I bought Philips Everflo models from them and can recommend the brand.
  7. zer0

    Joke for the day
  8. zer0

    Joke for the day

  9. zer0

    Recommended SA Netflix viewing list

    Thoroughly enjoyed Sweet Tooth. Great for the whole family.
  10. zer0

    Quote of the Day

    "Don't offend Ayatollah Khomeini if you don't like hide and seek" (not really) Salman Rushdie ;D
  11. zer0

    Joke for the day

  12. zer0

    Quick question for the computer fundis

    Isn't cloud storage a better option? Bit more expensive depending on size required, but no reliability worries.
  13. zer0

    Electrician Qualifications

    A great many qualified electricians aren't registered with the ECBSA so as long as you have a qualified guy you'll be fine with the work. If a COC is required you can get a ECBSA registered member to inspect and sign off afterwards.
  14. zer0

    Best Friends and Pets

    I can't get what happened to poor Scrappy out of my head. This may not be the best course of action, but seeing you're not getting any joy elsewhere, have you considered posting the footage on social media. I'm sure there will be hell to pay if it does the rounds.
  15. zer0

    Best Friends and Pets

    My pleasure. It also brings tears to my eyes every time I read it.
  16. zer0

    Best Friends and Pets

  17. zer0

    Best Friends and Pets

    This is so sad, if only he didn't have to suffer like that :'( May karma soon intervene in those guys' lives.
  18. zer0

    Quote of the Day

  19. zer0

    Joke for the day

  20. zer0

    Members' Kit pics

    Middle aged or from the middle ages? ;D