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  1. Kemosabe

    Hi-Fi Mafia

    Ultimate responsibility is with consumer in both Apple and hi fi cases. Only reason companies get away with bad behaviour is the market tolerates or even rewards it. There's no good reason to buy any of it when such good substitutes exist. With sufficient will we could clone anything arbitrary...
  2. Kemosabe

    RIP high-end audio?

    You're overlooking the obvious, which is ego. Friends, colleagues and the public can see your car and your watch but your hifi is almost exclusively for you at home. Most people are peacocks and 80% of the joy of ownership comes from others' jealous glances and the perceived status the item...
  3. Kemosabe

    BMW driver side door lock disintegrated

    Please contact Evolution 2 Motorsport at Kyalami. BMW specialists and very honest and extremely fair people. Will either fix it for you at best price possible or advise on best steps.
  4. Kemosabe

    To whom it may be of interest and value, a challenge

    No offense. Misread the initial bit. Didn't understand they were DIY cables. Thought you had R110k gryphon interconnect with you but no transport (thought maybe sell the cables and pay for some uber rides) ... Anyways, just a friendly joke, not meant to offend or reveal my personal retardation...
  5. Kemosabe

    To whom it may be of interest and value, a challenge

    Was this a clever way to get free lift to Durbs? Did it work?
  6. Kemosabe

    Interlinks don’t do anything! Or do they? 32 rca cables analyzed

    Thanks, spent half an hour reading this thread - very entertaining, felt like a Roman at the Circus. I don't want to say which side of the fence I am on - maybe I am not on any side, happy to be proven right or wrong and be enlightened. I have been enlightened on other matters I started with an...
  7. Kemosabe

    End of the discussion

    I think that's the only way to do it. Evaluate everything for yourself and understand your own biases. At least you'll end up with an outcome you're happy with. I think when we choose with other senses (how something looks), or give too much weight to others' opinions or (worst) try to impress...
  8. Kemosabe

    End of the discussion

    Just saying...
  9. Kemosabe

    sennheiser hd 600

    We shouldn't be too simple about the question. I think he's hacked the matrix - it's clear that the question is some kind of machine syntax with certain parameters. "t" is obviously some kind of command - maybe calling up a terminal. And / is taking us somewhere else in the folder structure.
  10. Kemosabe

    The Octobass

    Very educational thanks! Fantastic viewing.
  11. Kemosabe

    sennheiser hd 600

    I guessed the same meaning of the question. But as you say it's a very wide open topic with lots of interpretation required to answer it at the moment. Sometimes when I see a question like this I wonder if maybe there were a few beers involved or if it was time to wipe.
  12. Kemosabe

    sennheiser hd 600

    I've been told I talk too much. This is epic brevity. Do you give lessons?
  13. Kemosabe

    Joke for the day

  14. Kemosabe

    Are audiophiles unmusical?

    I think people of Rick Beato's talent are quite rare. Good example though.
  15. Kemosabe

    Are audiophiles unmusical?

    This concept of musicality is making my brain spin trying to unpack it coherently. You get: 1) people with natural musical talent - a gift lets call it 2) people who have learned a musical instrument and music theory - either through love, opportunity or being forced to as a child 3) people with...
  16. Kemosabe

    Let's build a monster sub

    Love it!! 😍(y) Subscribed. Don't leave us hanging now whatever you do.
  17. Kemosabe

    Are audiophiles unmusical?

    I speak for myself again. I think this is a rule which you begin to appreciate more as you age and that is to have self confidence and be true to yourself and what you enjoy. As you enter deeply into a technical hobby filled with a mixture of knowledgeable and opinionated people it is easy to...
  18. Kemosabe

    Are audiophiles unmusical?

    I agree with all comments above as there's truth in everything said. However discussion took a bit of a different turn from where I was heading reading the OP's post. I was actually on his wavelength. It's a bit of a trap or habit one can fall into becoming obsessed with analysis and listening...
  19. Kemosabe website

    It turns out in this case @rotorbug was wrong. But @georgev the reason I believe he phrased his original post that way is that it is a general rule of thumb which holds in the financial markets and elsewhere that when something looks too good to be true it is 99% of the time a scam. So even...
  20. Kemosabe

    The Cape Town Hi-Fi Club

    Lovely write up, enjoyed reading about the event. We need to catch up here in Gauteng. I love the fact that it was a DIY meet and not just a showoff session. Nice products can just be bought with money and any old plonker can do that. But a self researched and self made item for me is where the...