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  1. A

    Joke for the day

    Off course something factually wrong here ;) If he tested and debugged his program, he had to save it at some point.......
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    HELP with pioneer vsx 520

    Think Frikkie is quite right. The 520 is not a recent model is it?
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    CT AVF Year-end GTG - 10 Dec Casa frikkie

    Set as Sticky for now ;)
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    Kitty Loves Rega

    Reminds me of another story I read. Apparently the English version of a family favorite, F**k, does not have the same meaning as F o k, but George Bush Jr(an avid horse breeder) did not know that and when he was asked what one of his passtimes were he replied "I F**k horses in my spare time" :o
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    Kitty Loves Rega

    He, he, he! And you know what happens in my mind if I read something like that ;D
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    Kitty Loves Rega

    Typical! Bring somthing new into their area and they will lie on it! We have quite a problem as we have four Siamese and with Christa's wheeling and dealing , we constantly bring new things into the house and can get quite irritated by the cat hair on these items ;) Just as an aside, I read an...
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    So what do you call it when you biamp your speakers from the same amp?

    Getting back to the original question:- So what do you call it when you biamp your speakers from the same amp? My answer:- Idiotic, a waste of time........ ;D
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    So what do you call it when you biamp your speakers from the same amp?

    Still in the experimental phase I see ;D ;D ;D ;D Regarding the original topic, I am struggling to see why you would do this - connecting two sets of wire from A and B to the speakers with "bridges" still intact.
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    The first recording you ever bought?

    I had that too! Being not familiar with classical music, Waldo De Los Rios, eased me into enjoy classical music. First album was Queen's Sheer Heartattack First CD I think was James Last's Hammond a Gogo or Leftoverture by Kansas
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    CT AVF Year-end GTG - 10 Dec Casa frikkie

    It's never too late to respond :o, but I am sure you knew we will be there. I hope to meet some of the "newer" members as well.
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    Check out this drum solo and VOTE for my son, PLEASE!

    If there were enough days left, I could let him win....... ;D
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    Jamo C605 vs B&W 683

    Just do it! Do it! ;) Then you ask ;D
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    Jamo C605 vs B&W 683

    Have you auditioned them? If so which is your favorite, if not, audition both and then decide which sounds better to your ears.
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    Check out this drum solo and VOTE for my son, PLEASE!

    Okay! 10th with a buffer of 10 ;)
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    AMPS - Valve VS. Solid State

    A lot of truth in this statement. Listen to what you are interested in and decide which sounds best to YOU ;)
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    Check out this drum solo and VOTE for my son, PLEASE!

    I have been pushing hard this morning, from 222 to 270 ;D On IE I have the same problem as you, but with Firefox I only open one copy and close it as soon as I have submitted the vote. For the next vote I open a fresh copy of FF and voila. It may have something to do with the fact that I am...
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    AMPS - Valve VS. Solid State

    Hoe se?
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    I was considering switching to iPhone until....

    Its good for a laugh or two, particularly some of the references to his South African tour(we can't say some of those things) and as I mentioned Achmed's son ;)
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    AMPS - Valve VS. Solid State

    And they become overgrown with hair as well ;D Despite that I can still distinguish between good and not so good sound, sometimes even better than younger counterparts ;)
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    AMPS - Valve VS. Solid State

    I am not always sure where the valve vs transistor debate goes, as it depends what you compared with what. I grew up with valve sets(Pilot, Phillips, Hammerstein, etc) and then was introduced to transistor sets and at that stage I thought transistors sounded better and they did as there was no...