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  1. T

    Big acoustic problem

    In the building acoustics space, the task of the architect is to use design elements to achieve a desired result. Here the visual concept clearly overrode the acoustic and practical considerations. No emotions, simply measure and let the numbers do the talking. If someone made that design choice...
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    Big acoustic problem

    There are well established standards that set the benchmark for noise isolation in places of learning. I would suggest a noise power analysis by measurement using a dodecahedron or a suitable noise source and evaluate the "attenuation" for different noise source/target locations and then...
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    I am devastated, nobody around to speak to about horns from a foundational acoustics perspective anymore. He is the last player in industry that tuly know acoustics from the general wave equation right through to its application with tons of experience doing all manner of things. The most...
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    Any good soul here willing to rent or lend me a calibrated omni mic usb?

    There was an XTA unit floating around many years ago. It'll be interesting to know how those tapped horns interact with that large room.
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    I was stunned by hearing of Max Wilgen's passing. The humble, kind and sharing Man who shared so richly in his deep insights of pro audio design. A great loss.
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    Big acoustic problem

    Anybody with even a limited understanding of architectural acoustics will facepalm at this. Architects are visual thinkers. This one scored the autism jackpot. The only way to effectively improve on noise isolation here is with substantial rework. You can mask a little bit here and there and...
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    Silly subwoofer question

    Also multiple subs often allows one to even out room modes whilst dropping gains, I see way more than 3dB headroom improvements with appropriate setup. I also see plenty of rooms having to cut 20-30Hz.
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    The Air Vivace speakers - new to South Africa

    Zero alcohol beer can be called that because it contains less alcohol than fresh pressed apple juice. I have made such transformer coils and they work very well in the applications that benefit from them.
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    Are DIY subwoofers worth it???

    There are a good few details to keep track of, but it's not that hard, especially not when going with a sealed box. If you have the woodworking means it is quite fun ime or one can get someone to whip up an enclosure. There is always the option of going with more smaller subwoofers also, and...
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    Are DIY subwoofers worth it???

    Any sealed box will raise the resonance some. An fc of 27Hz is quite fine for a sealed woofer like that as 20Hz is only half an octave below (-6dB for a 2nd order system as a sealed box). The room will almost universally have a greater impact there. Pierre's little wall wrecker sub for example...
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    Go SpaceX.

    There is a SpaceX rocket/stage which is encircling Mars with a Tesla Roadster I believe. NASA were pioneers in spaceflight using among others Wernher von Braun's dreams and innovations with civilian intent. SpaceX took the research mindset, lit it on fire and is looking to apply a logistics...
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    Dont fall for this scam!

    The real gig is when there is" vertical integration" or to be more specific, market manipulation in the distribution and sales chains. This seems very much like the Victron distribution chain being taken on by the competition commission, end results are that their inverters came down in price in...
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    New House Build - Listening Room Size & Tips

    This was the common position years ago and often yields fairly good results in highly treated rooms. It's best one validate at least axial and tangential modal spacing, Helmholtz transition frequency and SBIR, specifically floor/ceiling bounce.
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    New House Build - Listening Room Size & Tips

    Fixed ratios aren't optimal for all room sizes. It's best one evaluate a room for modal spacing on a case by case basis. As to the attenuation of a wall, if you start down that avenue one needs to have very close control over quality of construction and pay close attention to anchoring of...
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    New House Build - Listening Room Size & Tips

    There are very neat architectural details that can hide away bass traps on the ceiling boundaries on a green fields build. Start with the size though.
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    New House Build - Listening Room Size & Tips

    Under 50 m^3 there are few optimal room dimensions. What material ceiling are you planning?
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    Let's build a monster sub

    If I were to take a stab at it and be somewhat cryptic, it's more likely that ... an accidental recone changed the coil geometry to err on the... fun side of "that" twin gap geometry which might have FLBP if it were to be branded in Orange County Kalifornia.
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    Dirac Live / REW+Equalizer APO

    Dirac is a FIR filter, REW is an IIR filter. Regardless of which one uses, it is often best to optimize the system before EQ (placement, toe in/out/etc, multi-sub processing) and then do correction filters. When doing room correction filters, it is essential that one corrects only artefacts...
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    Subs what is best?

    Not mine. Two dracos were returned to Roy. I found their midbass very clean and the electronics allowed for the overlap to make it work but the screen setup didn't allow for the locations to bring them to bear optimally. The blue graph is the room gain for a position that was selected as...
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    Subs what is best?

    From the stereophile review