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  1. N

    Ch-Fi IEM options

    Holy thread necro...
  2. N

    loxjie dac amp

    LOL at the import it all pricing Direct from Amazon Items:                 USD 185.99 Shipping & handling: USD 21.40 Total before tax: USD 207.39 Estimated tax to be collected: USD 0.00 Import Fees Deposit: USD 52.62 Order total:         USD 260.01 Payment Total:         ZAR 3,783.47
  3. N

    Headphone stand Got a similar one from the same reseller, held up ok so far
  4. N

    Dan Clark Audio Stealth

    Love the Aeons but these take it to a whole new level
  5. N

    The HiFiMan HE6SE v2 Journey

    Amazeballs With regards to the Schiit, you tried a service like Postbox Courier? Not cheap at all, but fast and efficient
  6. N

    How did you start your "Head-Fi" Journey?

    Now I have Whatsapp group FOMO  ;D
  7. N

    Built in Braai Suggestions / Advice

    Did the same as Mat. Took out the built in part and got it all bricked up. Simple grill with brackets on either side
  8. N

    How did you start your "Head-Fi" Journey?

    Started as a teenager when my dad got a Harmon Kardon/B&W system from HFX. Salesman managed to convince him to get a pair of Sennheiser 580's. Spent enough hour listening to them but never really got my own Ordered a Maverick Audio D2 with upgraded OpAmps and GE tubes in 2012 but never really...
  9. N

    Balanced pentaconn cable for HD600

    Periapt and Hart Audio are also options, just be sitting down when you price them...
  10. N

    BBQ stove refurbishment With some elbow grease Burners and diffusers should be easy enough to replace yourself
  11. N

    Mic & camera for vlog - any suggestions? R650 with a boom arm
  12. N

    Members who have had the jab.

    Went on Tuesday to Gallagher Estate as a walk. Out in under an hour. Slick operation with must be at least 20 nurses administering
  13. N

    Recommendations for a kitchen cabinet person in the Randburg area

    Our built in oven has almost collapsed to the floor  :headbanger:
  14. N

    Cheap over-ear headphones

    Have a rather second hand set of Corsair Voids. Pay for shipping and they yours
  15. N

    Ceramic coating

    Have had firearm parts Cerakoted. Not a cheap exercise, but the durability and finish is excellent
  16. N

    Dekoni Replacement Pads

    Bass definitely thumps more with these More importantly, they are streets ahead of the stock pads in terms of comfort. They were not my go to set of cans when i'm working during the day, found the stock ones scratchy after prolonged periods of listening. With these, I can pretty much keep them...
  17. N

    Dekoni Replacement Pads

    So they arrived this afternoon...
  18. N

    Amazon vs Takealot

    Weird. US Amazon order with US delivery address using SA credit card about 10 days ago. And plenty last 3 years without issue
  19. N

    Sennie 580 replacement pads

    1200 including the headband. That's after a 20% discount
  20. N

    Sennie 580 replacement pads
