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  1. N

    Upholsterer / Couch Slip Cover recommendations?

    Please PM those details as well Phibian, we enquired about a spare set for our couches that we bought from Wetherley's, the cover end up costing more than the actual couch  :walled:
  2. N

    Municipal Rates

    Bill I have is ((Property value - 150 000) * 0.0055730) / 12)
  3. N

    Municipal Rates

    I must be really lucky then. I moved in same time as you, 3 months down the line I had a bill from CoJ for the whole bang shoot with a letter of demand to pay up ASAP. I've never had any dealings with a municipal office
  4. N

    Apple TV

    ATV2 you can Jailbreak and install XBMC on
  5. N

    Wireless CCTV products

    How you going to power the wireless camera? PoE cameras not an option?
  6. N

    Latest pick - media players

    Have had my Boxee for about 2 years now. Playing music works but isn't the greatest, other than that, love it
  7. N

    Maverick Audio Tubemagic D1

    Would be keen to hear if there is a difference pre and post op amp upgrade. You could also "liberate" 2 from mine for testing purposes  >:D :whistler:
  8. N

    Maverick Audio Tubemagic D1

    Come fetch this weekend  >:D
  9. N

    Maverick Audio Tubemagic D1

    Weltevreden Park
  10. N

    Maverick Audio Tubemagic D1

    My D2 has the OPamp and GEtube upgrade, you welcome to try it out on your system
  11. N

    Replacement options for factory-fitted car audio: Ford Ranger

    This Single or Double DIN? Steering controls?
  12. N

    Any experience of iOS 6 yet?

    Not the only person experiencing this. I have an Alpine HU, have seen reports from people with Kenwood and JVC HU's experiencing the exact same issue. Have been looking around for firmware updates, so far nothing
  13. N

    Any experience of iOS 6 yet?

    Streaming music via bluetooth no longer works like it did in iOS5  :headbanger: Used to be able to control playback via my car's HU and leave my phone in my pocket, now everything has to be done via the phone
  14. N

    Blutooth streaming

    Alpine interface works brilliantly. Direct access to phonebook, text scrolling of songs, repeat, shuffle etc. You tried someone like Tremor Audio for the loom to work with steering controls?
  15. N

    Blutooth streaming

    Using an Alpine with Bluetooth streaming in my car. Works a treat and quality seems to be as good as it should be. I can definitely pick up when its a badly ripped mp3. Didn't know that you got headunits with AirPlay functionality
  16. N

    Anyone able to get Samsung 23 inch (S23B550V) wholesale?

    ~2199 ex VAT from Frontosa but I think my pricelist is about 3 weeks old
  17. N

    Apple tv 3 ?

    This. Or get an Airport Extreme
  18. N

    Hybrid hard-ssd drives

    No idea, hardware isn't my area. Just know its a Tintri SAN
  19. N

    Hybrid hard-ssd drives

    Not sure, hardware is not my dept. From what I heard it sounded like gigabit and 10 gigabit switches. The SAN is used mainly for virtual servers and the difference between the old spindle drive SAN and this is astonishing