I landed up prying these babies from Swindlehurstguy about 3 months ago. They are well looked after for 20 year old speakers, but the stands were in poor shape (rust, blotchy paint etc) and the one tweeter had a decent sized crease on the one edge.
Swindlehurstguy had spent some hours polishing up the cabinets again, and they looked lovely.
I managed to have the stands re-done in a hammerite black after blasting them back to metal and then I covered the individual columns in a leather fabric ( these are Sonus Faber after all)
I did some further polishing of the walnut cheeks and replaced the tweeter in question. Also polished up the name badge slightly as it was hiding in some muck.
So as promised to their previous owner, this is what they currently look like:
Swindlehurstguy had spent some hours polishing up the cabinets again, and they looked lovely.
I managed to have the stands re-done in a hammerite black after blasting them back to metal and then I covered the individual columns in a leather fabric ( these are Sonus Faber after all)
I did some further polishing of the walnut cheeks and replaced the tweeter in question. Also polished up the name badge slightly as it was hiding in some muck.
So as promised to their previous owner, this is what they currently look like: