2021 - May it be a good year for each and everyone


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AVForums Super Veteran
AV Forums Supporter
Oct 8, 2013
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Cape Town
As we are approaching the last few hours of 2020, I would like to share my best wishes for 2021 to all formites and your loved ones.

Never have I thought we would experience a year like the past year. I am sure that each of us has our own story to tell; Stories of uncertainty and anxiety, dimmed prospects and hopes, financial woes and loss. Lost of our mojo, lost of our trust in governments across the globe, loss of our future securities and of course lost of a loved one or someone we have known. I am very mindful of how the year impacted many, including myself of a personal level and mental well-being. I have seen the pandemic's impact in friends and clients alike, how the stresses and anxieties woke up dark ghosts of underlining personality dynamics, pushing many to an almost breaking point where healthy coping mechanisms are replaced with more problematic defences. We all coped in our unique way, but what helped me was to remind myself that we are all in this together..Above all, it was and is one of the most universally experienced in a very long time. This thought helped me and my family deal with the situation to some extent, but I also rediscovered just how much connections and being connected means to me and probably all.

This Forum is a community and therefore, in essence about being connected to others with similar interests. Consequently, I want to thank everyone that is part of my life; customers and friends and future friends and customers. We are wired, neurologically wired to be connected, that is how we not only survive but also can thrive.

All the best for 2021 with all the twist and turns that it might bring.

My wish a for all is a safe and blessed year ahead and may we find love and joy.
