A good feeling


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AVForums Super Veteran
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Oct 8, 2013
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Cape Town
In the sea of trading, upgrading, grotesque amounts of money that have to be spent before state of the art is approached and an oversupply of commoditized products with new versions being created almost by the hour by manufacturers I had such a good experience yesterday. It reminded me of one of the reasons why I became involved in this hobby and was also in some way a mirror of my own mindset.

I delivered a product, and the details are not that important, to a customer, no and enthusiast, who has patiently been waiting for it. He took it from me, admired it, gently put it in place and with great concentration and attention installed it. He listened to it, softly at first as if he wants to gently make friends with it, and then listened some more. Then he looked at me, and I knew I have made this guy happy. I  imagine that every time he listens to it, he will feel happy, enriched and enjoy the music immensely, not thinking about what is next or if I could just get the better or new version on the block or even how he can out-design the original creator.

It was almost like a book collector finding that first edition. The fact that is has been read before and has a history only increases the value of the precious piece.

It is personally very rewarding to be involved with products that are not commodities and with people who appreciate the value of such products on all levels even though the momentary value may range from very affordable to "oh my I must save up or make a plan to get that precious piece in my system".  Thanks to many who makes me feel good and keep me inspired.