A Miracle


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R.I.P. 23 March 2022
Aug 28, 2010
Reaction score
Yesterday morning I set off from Middelburg to Machdodorp about 40 Kms outside of Middelburg my car just cut out and died. Once I came to a stop I could smell fuel but  could not trace the smell. I got on the  phone to request roadside assistance since I did not even have a pocket knife on me.

I was on the side of the road for about an hour  and a half waiting for the roadside assistance to arrive.
A vehicle coming from the opposite direction made a u-turn and pulled up behind me, a young black guy very smartly dressed got out of a new bakkie and came to help me.

At this point I was in the process of trying jack up the car to see if I could find the source of the fuel smell and possible leak.

This guy just dropped to the ground and proceeded to help me trace the smell, a short while later he asked that I turn on the ignition and he had found the source of the leak.

It was thanks to the mechanic that had serviced my car a few days before and had not tightened the clamp on the fuel filter that was replaced during the service.

The guy could get his hand in the small gap tightened the nut that holds the hose to the filter and the car started no problem and no leak.

By this time this poor guy was smelling of petrol and his whole back was covered in dry grass and dust. He did not seem phased by this at all despite being immaculately dressed.  Feeling quite guilty that this guy had fixed my car and was now covered dust and grass. I desperately tried to dust him off but there was just too much.

As we said our goodbyes and prepared to go  our separate ways I asked his name and he said Maxwell from SAPS Orgaized Crime unit in Middelburg.

I was bowled over so much for stereotypes ....

Thanks Maxwell this world  and this  country need a lot more like you.
