Acoustic Arts - Croak takeover


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AVForums Grandmaster
Aug 23, 2015
Reaction score
Cape Town
Evening Gents....

I wish I could say that I am overstepped with joy and excitement!

But if I could turn back time....much rather would have wanted my Friend to still be with Us.

After long deliberations and discussions with Michelle (The Late G's wife) we have come to an agreement to pick up the pieces and move forward.

We both feel that the Legacy of grooVcare(their brainchild) should continue. As well as the agencies that was represented by Croak Audio.

Acoustic Arts will continue with the agencies awa grooVcare with Michelle very much involved.

With G's medical situation and no life insurance.....She is depended on a steady income to provide for her and the Boys.

I have taken it apon myself to help her to bring some stability into their lives.

The takeover and transition period will not be easy. But we will take it Day by Day.

By no means can/will I promise that Acoustic Arts will 100% fulfill the role that Guillaume has had in the Marketplace. He was a unique individual and the best we can hope for is to let his Legacy lives on.

Acoustic Art's Dealer and Customer network is very different to the one Guillaume has had.

And therefore I offer an open invitation to everyone who has dealt with him to PM me to continue the friend/bussiness relationship.

Best Regards
Ben & Michelle

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