I am currently using a Raspberry Pi4 with an IQAudio Dac Hat running the OpenSource RopieeeXL image.
It has been playing its role as Roon endpoint now for a few months and has been enjoying it.
I have been eyeing adding the Flirc remote to add additional options and finally managed to buy the USB dongle and got to setting up.
Details of the Flirc USB unit here: https://flirc.tv/more/flirc-usb
The process:
[list type=decimal]
[*]First install the Flirc app on your PC
[*]Then plug the USB dongle in your PC
[*]Grab the remote that you want to use, ideally, it needs media keys on it, I ended up using the Yamaha receiver remote that has convenieny spare keys for play, pause, skip
[*]On the app start capturing a "Media keys" profile - this is important since the other profiles are not supported on Ropieee.
[*]Push the buttons on the screen and press the corresponding button on your remote to programme the Flirc module
[*]Save the profile to a text file for later use if you want
[*]Unplug and pop the Flirc in one of the USB ports on the Pi
[*]Access the Ropieee UI, the Flirc will now show up in the remote section, choose it and give it a name to match your device name (important for later)
[*]Restart the Pi
[*]Access Roon now, under Settings > Extensions the remote extension will now be discovered - enable it
It was a bit of config hit and miss, but I got it going in about 30 minutes or so, has been pleasant to use those dead buttons on the remote, though limited to play, pause, Skip FWD and Skip Backwards.
It has been playing its role as Roon endpoint now for a few months and has been enjoying it.
I have been eyeing adding the Flirc remote to add additional options and finally managed to buy the USB dongle and got to setting up.
Details of the Flirc USB unit here: https://flirc.tv/more/flirc-usb

The process:
[list type=decimal]
[*]First install the Flirc app on your PC
[*]Then plug the USB dongle in your PC
[*]Grab the remote that you want to use, ideally, it needs media keys on it, I ended up using the Yamaha receiver remote that has convenieny spare keys for play, pause, skip
[*]On the app start capturing a "Media keys" profile - this is important since the other profiles are not supported on Ropieee.
[*]Push the buttons on the screen and press the corresponding button on your remote to programme the Flirc module
[*]Save the profile to a text file for later use if you want
[*]Unplug and pop the Flirc in one of the USB ports on the Pi
[*]Access the Ropieee UI, the Flirc will now show up in the remote section, choose it and give it a name to match your device name (important for later)
[*]Restart the Pi
[*]Access Roon now, under Settings > Extensions the remote extension will now be discovered - enable it
It was a bit of config hit and miss, but I got it going in about 30 minutes or so, has been pleasant to use those dead buttons on the remote, though limited to play, pause, Skip FWD and Skip Backwards.