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Des Miles

AVForums Veteran
AV Forums Supporter
Nov 23, 2012
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
As I post this thread, within a day or so, Kabul and the rest of the country will fall to the Taliban. For 20 years the USA has been propping up the country. How many USA service members and others have lost their lives, for what? I feel sorry. especially,  for the youngsters who grew up there during this time. I don't like to think this, but many normal citizens are going to be slaughtered, the Taliban have no compassion for human lives. Once again, like in the early 70's and after years, the USA have again pulled out of a war they could not win and left the citizens to their fate.  The Khmer Rouge murdered millions of citizens (remember "The Killing Fields ?). The Taliban will be no better.  :vsad: