Air coil/inductor calculations


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AVForums Super Veteran
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Town
I need some help from our EEs on the forum please. I am keen to learn to wind at least my own air coils. Given the current exchange rate and import costs it is most probably not a bad skill to acquire. I am already in the process of building a small winder for home use.  Oh yes and I found that we can buy wire per KG from Consolation in Montague Gardens. Tel 021-5554562.

After many hours on the internet and my lack of even some basic understanding I have figured the following out so far:

1. There are many calculators available on the internet to calculate wire length, number of turns, etc if you want to make your own air coils. They however all seem to come up with small differences.
2. All seem to use a constant to calculate resistance of copper per meter.
3. Many seems to calculate Length and windings for multilayer coils by calculating L for single layer coils with increases in radius till they reach desired L?
4. The DC resistance is directly related to the wire length and thickness (Cross area). The thicker the wire the less DC resistance.
5. I think I understand the concept of a brooks coil

Here are my questions:

Given a known Henry

1.  How do I decide what is the best cable thickness.
2. What is the best winding technique. Is it a round bobbin, a square bobbin or no bobbin at all
3. Decide on coil size. Diameter and Length?
3. What calculator or calculation to use given the outcome of 2 and 3
4. When do you move from an air coil to an iron core coil. I know size is an important but what impact will it have on the sound?

I am sure there are even questions that I should be asking that I do not even know that I should be asking.

Any help will be appreciated.