AKAI 1710L stereophonic valve amplifier


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AVForums Grandmaster
Jul 14, 2013
Reaction score
Cape Town
So, while I am stalled on my AKAI M8 project, I started messing around with this AKAI 1710L I bought, for just a few bob, solely for the 5 valves inside (hoping that they would work, and serve as back-ups to my M8 project, should it be needed). Only risking a few Rand...

I cannot say how happy I am now, after a few hours of work, scratching my head, Googling and more  work, to be listening to this re-purposed valve amp which, as it turns out, plays beautifully as a complete, stand-alone amp after just a few hours' of work! Now streaming LM radio out of Maputo via my MacBook Pro and external DAC into this 46-year-old valve amplifier - sounding really, really good for 4+4Wpc!

Of course, not everything is perfect - it only play on one channel, but both (left and right) volume controls affect the one playing channel - turn either the left of the right volume completely down, and there is no sound. I have to turn them both up for there to be sound through one speaker. Both VU meters are moving, in accordance with the volume setting on the appropriate channel. The 1-4/stereo/3-2 switch is set to "stereo". I suspect an issue with the SS pre-amp switch that needs to be set to "record" for both channels? Any ideas?

