I have an awkward situation where an acquaintance sends embedded stuff and this morning - 27 large colour images of crap I have no interest in.
I've blocked his emails for this very reason some years ago and relented recently by giving him my present email address and the same story is repeating itself. I see the bloke every week so it's very awkward as I don't think he realises what he is doing...
I've just sent him a mail, asking him not to be offended but not to send stuff like this again.
How would you handle a situation such as this?
I have an awkward situation where an acquaintance sends embedded stuff and this morning - 27 large colour images of crap I have no interest in.
I've blocked his emails for this very reason some years ago and relented recently by giving him my present email address and the same story is repeating itself. I see the bloke every week so it's very awkward as I don't think he realises what he is doing...
I've just sent him a mail, asking him not to be offended but not to send stuff like this again.
How would you handle a situation such as this?