Bluesound Node 2i... got one


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AVForums Grandmaster
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
my Squeezelite PC reboots randomly daily.. PSU, MB... one of them is iffy.. I had the option of trying to fix. (fiddle fiddle no.. no.) or take a new approach.

So new approach it was & I bought the Node 2i.. . most impressed..
- can I hear a difference, yes, but neither is better & the node stays.. different debate
- I use it to my Bryston DAC, optical & digital sound the same.
- The onboard DAC is good, but the Bryston wins easily
- Interface is equal to Squeezelite.. not better or worse sort of equal, I know there is better but these do it for me
- Spotify over it sounds 100%... :).. new world of music
- No USB out.. don't care, USB is for mice & keyboards  :giggle:

Anyone else have one... opinions?