My father was kindly lent a Cambridge Audio Azur 851C CD player by Mod n Sound in Umhlanga whilst his 20 year old Proceed transport went in for a service.
We first listened to it as a stand alone player then as a transport.
We got the Proceed transport back today from HFX.
Well the Proceed stands it's ground, despite being 20 years old!
The Cambridge Audio Azur 851C CD player performed better as a transport than as a stand alone player.
The Cambridge Audio Azur 851C CD player just sounds dry and fatiguing to listen to compared to the Proceed set up. Proceed sounds fuller and the treble is less splashy.
We first listened to it as a stand alone player then as a transport.
We got the Proceed transport back today from HFX.
Well the Proceed stands it's ground, despite being 20 years old!
The Cambridge Audio Azur 851C CD player performed better as a transport than as a stand alone player.
The Cambridge Audio Azur 851C CD player just sounds dry and fatiguing to listen to compared to the Proceed set up. Proceed sounds fuller and the treble is less splashy.