CD resolution ?


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AVForums Member
Sep 13, 2011
Reaction score
Northern Suburbs Cape Town
I'm new to this, so please bear with me ;
As I understand it a Hybrid SACD has a PCM layer to enable play on a common garden variety CD player, right ?
Does it mean therefore that the sound I hear is no better than an ordinary CD, right ?
How are hybrid SACD's marked, that I might know the difference from other SACD's ?

My CD player is HDCD and the difference is barely discernible with HDCD, but it is there.
On the flip side, some CD's sound the same tonally.  Donald Fagan's NIGHTFLY for example, very nice sound. (slightly better on vinyl)

If I want to improve my sound off a disc.
Do I go SACD player or DVD-A ?
I don't know which format is going to be around for the long haul.

More questions to follow.