Chicken games - The Common Cape Roadhog


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AVForums Grandmaster
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Cape Town
No, not taxi drivers. They're in a class of their own.

At the Newlands end of my street is a traffic circle with several entry/exit roads. The road width around the circle is wide and can easily accomodate 2 cars side by side but I'm sure this is not how a traffic roundabout should be used.

The busiest entry to this traffic circle is traffic coming off the M3 which often is a neverending stream of traffic and these vehicles have right of way.

Several times now, common cape roadhogs enter the roundabout and instead of stopping behind my car, they pull up to my left, cutting off my view of traffic coming from the M3. In all cases, they then inch forward and take terrific chances to drive out from the circle first.

Although I usually don't get rattled by piggish behaviour like this, I have been sorely tempted to swing my car to the left, cutting off these assholes.

Tonight's roadhog was black but one will find genteel lil' old ladies, ou toppies and anything inbetween doing this.

Where can I hire a Centurion, Ratel or a front end loader?


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