Cinema sound


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AVForums Super Veteran
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Town
So, this weekend I was fortunate enough to go and see the new Avengers movie at a Nu-Metro cinema. One of the best movies for me in 2015.

Owning a dinky little home theater and a old 32" lcd, I was really looking forward to seeing this movie on the big screen, in all it's surround sound glory and HD magic. Not having been in a cinema for the past 20+ years  :vsad:, I couldn't wait. Standing just outside the cinema I could feel and hear the bass from the other cinema's. As I entered the partly lit cinema, I saw what looked like JBL dipole speakers all along the walls, WOW this was gonna be awesome! Boy was I in for a surprise. Thundering, gut ripping bass, as the subwoofers bottomed out! Screeching high's and mid ranges that sounded like it was recorded in the late 1800's by the local blacksmith, and surround sound which rivaled the little walk around jukeboxes you sometimes see kids in the street with. What a load of crap!!! I was expecting a mind blowing experience which turned out to be a mind numbing one. Don't even get started on the munchies on offer! Popcorn and coca-cola prices! R60 for a small popcorn and coke! WTF!!!! Come on Nu-Metro!!!! This is cause for concern and a good reason for sites like Extratorrent!!!

Really really dissapointed.  Will I ever go again? NOPE, not even if they paid me to go and fill the cinema. By the way, that evening there was a total of 14 people watching that movie, myself, my wife, our 2 kids and 10 others! Might have been the fact that it was out for a while already, who know's.
