So I built a crate that I'll be sending to Capetown on Monday, it's going there empty and coming back with an amp I bought.
Since it's going there empty, I'm open to the idea of someone in need, of transporting something safely from Jhb to Capetown, making use of it.
Cost to the user will be anything above what I'd have paid sending it straight to my seller. Once you've used it, it needs to be delivered to my seller, as timely as possible, without giving them a headache, so courier it to them.
Since it's going there empty, I'm open to the idea of someone in need, of transporting something safely from Jhb to Capetown, making use of it.
Cost to the user will be anything above what I'd have paid sending it straight to my seller. Once you've used it, it needs to be delivered to my seller, as timely as possible, without giving them a headache, so courier it to them.