May have asked this before. I know a DAC is a digital - to - analogue converter. Would getting one be worth it, and if so, how do I use it ?
In the digital domain, I have MP3's on flash disks and the laptop thats encoded from 128kps - 192kbs. I don't use FLAC or Windows Lossless due to the file sizes.
I've read that the Audiolab 8200CD has a direct digital input and can be used as a DAC. How, I have no idea ?
If the laptop only has a 3.5mm headphone jack for audio, then I'm assuming having a DAC in this setup offers no benefit?
What will be the difference in plugging a USB into a dedicated DAC (or the Audiolab), or plugging it into a CDP or my Sony Blu Ray that reads a USB MP3's anyway ?
My serious music is still o n CD.
Speaking about the Audiolab, how is this in terms of reliability ? The brand has had a difficult few years I believe and is now owned by IAG (China).
Thank you,
In the digital domain, I have MP3's on flash disks and the laptop thats encoded from 128kps - 192kbs. I don't use FLAC or Windows Lossless due to the file sizes.
I've read that the Audiolab 8200CD has a direct digital input and can be used as a DAC. How, I have no idea ?
If the laptop only has a 3.5mm headphone jack for audio, then I'm assuming having a DAC in this setup offers no benefit?
What will be the difference in plugging a USB into a dedicated DAC (or the Audiolab), or plugging it into a CDP or my Sony Blu Ray that reads a USB MP3's anyway ?
My serious music is still o n CD.
Speaking about the Audiolab, how is this in terms of reliability ? The brand has had a difficult few years I believe and is now owned by IAG (China).
Thank you,