Determining the value of used audio gear


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AVForums Super Veteran
Nov 22, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Town. South Africa
When you need or want something new from abroad because it is not available locally, be it cartridges or belts for turntables, resistors, caps or other components for repairing or building projects or indeed, complete amplifiers, speakers or any other items, you take the asking price in Dollars, Euros or Pounds, add the shipping fees, multiply by the prevailing exchange rate and add the relevant import duties. Most of us will bleat about the unfair exchange rate, high shipping fees and import duties, but will pay up if we need or really want the item enough. Rarely do we bitch about the asking price of the item.

Why then does the same not apply to used items? If the overseas markets have established a general price/value to be attached to various items through the exchange between willing buyers and willing sellers, straight forward economics would dictate that we use the same value/price and simply apply the prevailing exchange rate. At least you don?t have the added expense of shipping fees and import duties to contend with. This does not happen though, for some reason, we seem to think we can now argue the value/price simply because it is second-hand. Where does that ?logic? stem from and before you tell me about different market sizes and availability, bear in mind our smaller market means less availability which translates to scarceness. Scarceness usually  pushes the price up not down.

So? how do we determine a fair value/price for used items.