While rerunning Audyssey to integrate the new subs I discovered that my centre?s tweeter was dead. I think it does the day the day I was a bit careless by fiddling with equipment without switching off and my centre speaker power amp went into protecting mode due to speaker cables touching.
I tried to have it fixed which was a big ask but the dome cracked and I was left with no option but to go the usual expensive route. It was a grudge purchase but was so happy to find out they are selling at half the price they normally sell for. It is still a lot of money but it saved me R10k
I tried to have it fixed which was a big ask but the dome cracked and I was left with no option but to go the usual expensive route. It was a grudge purchase but was so happy to find out they are selling at half the price they normally sell for. It is still a lot of money but it saved me R10k