Dibs on Sales....An Unnecessary Frustration?


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AVForums Grandmaster
Nov 17, 2010
Reaction score
Cape Town
Mods please move this to the necessary section if this is not the right place. Thanks.

Feeling frustrated at the moment with an easy sale that is now dragging on because of Dibs Please, anybody else been there?

I have two sales currently active, one has been an absolute pleasure : the buyer from upcountry supplied all the necessary details immediately when contacting, asked all the questions and the sale has been concluded sharp sharp.

The other person has called dibs please, gone awol, no contact details, no responses, etc, and  comes back a day later and now asks questions whilst I have people wanting to pay and collect the item yesterday.

Personally, in future, and I state it publically, if you are in Cape Town and you do not contact me within one day to arrange a meet or to collect, etc, I will immediately move onto the next person.

Am I unreasonable?
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