Dumbass question from car audio ignoramus - alternator whine supression


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AVForums Grandmaster
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Nov 26, 2010
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I redid the wiring on my car audio setup to get rid of the annoying alternator whine -- it's an older C-Class Merc, with the battery in the boot so lots of heavy current carring wires in the cable trays down the car's side. I put the RCA leads inside that bulky wire protection wiggly stuff to lift them a little away from the rest of the wiring. This helped a lot.

I still get a very little wine when the headlights are on -- I don't feel like pulling apart all the panels, etc again, and wondered if there is an easier solution at the source... anyone had experience with inline alternator noise suppressors? Either the cap or the choke versions. Assume the choke version better as it reduces load on the alternator. But they're quite expensive...

One of those little filter setups connected before the head prob (poss?) won't work as I don't think it's a ground-loop problem, more signal being induced in the long RCA cable runs.