Dynamic Range Database Revisited


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AVForums Grandmaster
Nov 17, 2010
Reaction score
Cape Town
Visited this database which has been updated and came up with a few conclusions, or should that be observations :

1. Jazz fares far better through the ages when it comes to the dynamic range compression wars than pop, rock, etc. Even today the jazz artists on the whole seem to have their act together;

2. Vinyl still rules in these wars. An example : Mumford and Sons latest vinyl recorded very well, the cd compressed;

3. Certain two channel mixes fair very badly versus multichannel mixes and at the same time most SACD recordings fair very well;

4. There are still differences between certain mixes of the same cd and within multiple cd packages of the same artist. An example : Michael Jackson's "This is it" - CD1 badly compressed, CD2 very well recorded;

5. There are certain artists through the ages that seem to have full control over their end product, example : Elton John's music seems very well recorded on 99% of the music I saw. At the same time there are some who have improved or gone backwards, e.g. Stevie Wonder

Please note, these are just my observations. I drew up my own list of recordings to pursue and revisit from my collection, there are some surprises (negative and positive of things I liked). Hopefully theres something for you guys too.

The above can visited on : http://www.dr.loudness-war.info/