Electrical Power supply help


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AVForums Super Veteran
Apr 15, 2012
Reaction score
Hi all

I know there are a lot of knowledgeable guys on this forums, hopefully you can assist with this problem of mine.

I have an electronic pet door, surepet microchip door - it takes 4AA batteries in series. It works by reading the cats microchip and then there is a small motor that releases a catch to allow the flap to open. The problem is the batteries dont last, maybe a month or so till it starts complaining. The 2 issues are that buying 4 batteries every month is wasteful and that the cat is sometimes left stranded outside for the night. They say rechargeables wont work due to the lower voltage, as it would indicate a low battery even when it still has enough power remaining.

My idea was to find an psu adapter to replace the batteries. Seems easy enough plenty of resources available online for this. But here is the issue with this pet door. It is powering 2 circuits - 1st circuit is using all 4 batteries ie 6v Im assuming this could be the motor part, the 2nd circuit is using only 2 batteries, so 3v the rf reader.

Is it possible to get 1 psu to replace the batteries? How do I go about wiring this up?

Will add a quick sketch to indicate how I think the device is working. I have only found one reference to this particular cat door and changing from batteries to psu online, but it didnt really have a solution.
